To all those seeking better results, CORAL is a progressive tool brand creating innovative products that enhance your performance and help you to succeed. The objective of our highly experienced team is to create products that make projects easier, faster, and more affordable than ever before.
Tajima produce quality tools trusted by professionals since 1909. The Tajima brand is owned by TJM Design Corporation, a privately-owned company and the largest manufacturer of hand tools in Japan with global production sites. Tajima uses its excellent design capabilities to develop best of breed tools designed for professional users. Tajima is distributed in the UK and Ireland by Coral Tools Limited.
Since 1961, Tapofix has been the leading brand of quality wallpaper pasting machines worldwide. From their dedicated manufacturing site in Wolfsburg, Germany the brand is committed to original high-quality design and dependability. Coral Tools Ltd is the exclusive master distributor of Tapofix Paste Machines in the UK & Ireland.